Asbestos Inspection Service
Asbestos inspections are required for buildings that may contain asbestos material. The Occupational Health and Safety code of regulations makes it mandatory that all properties that may contain asbestos materials must have inspections. The type of asbestos inspections may differ in the sense that inspections during occupation will be different compared to say the asbestos inspections required before any renovations.
Xbestos Provides Asbestos Inspection Service in an around Brisbane.
Why Asbestos Inspections?
Asbestos Inspection is essential in the sense that if you are renovating, demolishing or undertaking repairs of your property that may contain asbestos an inspection for asbestos containing material is required. Most of the property owners are not aware of the fact that asbestos containing material may be present in one form or another especially in properties that are older. An asbestos inspection will provide a comprehensive report and will adhere to all safety standards.
Our Inspection team examine all areas in your property to identify asbestos and we offer what follow up action to be undertaken. Our asbestos inspections report mentions whether the asbestos present in the property are safe or a health risk and should be removed prior to renovation, demolition or repair. Our professional asbestos inspectors specialise in inspections of materials containing asbestos label areas that may contain asbestos and take samples for further analysis in a laboratory.
We provide comprehensive recommendations on the asbestos inspections like fixing warning labels to the asbestos containing materials, avoiding mechanical damage like drilling to the asbestos material and confirm by sampling and laboratory analysis and we may even recommend restricted access to the asbestos containing material to prevent health risk.
Contact us at 0419 713 810 for free quote on Asbestos Inspections.
Areas We Service
Redcliffe, Scarborough, Clontarf, Brighton, Deagon, Sandgate, Shorncliffe, Boondall, Northgate, Enoggera, Keperra, Mitchelton, Kedron, Aspley, Chermside, Nundah, Geebung, Virginia, Stafford, Everton Park, Beachmere, Caboolture, Morayfield, Bribie Island, and BurpengaryWhat Clients Like About Us